Omar Borkan Al Gala Deported From Saudi Arabia for Being ‘Too Handsome’

A Fashion photographer and actor from Dubai, Omar Borkan Al Gala, has been deemed by media as “too sexy for Saudi Arabia,” after he was reportedly deported from the Middle Eastern country for the way he looks.

Omar Borkan Al Gala

Borkan Al Gala was reportedly among three men from the United Arab Emirates who were kicked out from a festival in Saudi Arabia’s capital Riyadh because they apparently were labeled “too handsome.”

Authorities are reported to have said they feared women could become attracted to them, and fall into sexually immoral thoughts, according to Arabic newspaper Elaph.

The men were arrested by police officers from the country’s religious police force, the Mutaween, according to UK’s The Sun.

“Three Emiratis were taken out on the grounds they are too handsome. (It was) feared female visitors could fall for them,” a local newspaper reported last week, The Sun notes.

Saudi Arabia is an ultra conservative Islamic nation that imposes numerous rules on women such as that they must stay covered up at all times and are not allowed to speak or interact with men who are not their relatives.

Borkan Al Gala addressed the report in his Facebook page. On April 21 he posted: “This is what written in newspapers in over the world ๐Ÿ™‚ UAE men ordered to leave Saudi Arabia for being ‘too handsome’,” and added a link to the Streamlux site.
Borkan Al Gala’s Facebook page has nearly 100,000 likes. He describes himself as a Fashion photographer, actor and poet from Dubai.
Most of his pictures are self-portraits in various poses.
Many fans responded with encouragement and support. Borkan Al Gala replied, “Hi, and thank you for all those lovely messages. I’m sorry I haven’t had time to get back to all of you ๐Ÿ˜€ Xoxo I Love you all !” he wrote Thursday in his latest post.